

RAWkin’ It All

RAWkin’ It All is our signature program that combines ‘how to shop’, ‘how to transition your kitchen to more sustainable’, and how to become the RAWk star that you are. It is…

An individualized program, tailor-made just for you, where we work together to create a balanced ; you’ in all aspects of life, including ancient healing techniques; proper nutrition and eating, exercise, meditation and mindfulness to prepare you for the next phase of your journey. RAWk Now

RAWkin’ Without Toxins

RAWkin’ Without Toxins is our seasonal detox, offered at each change of the season. It is a reset that gives your body a chance to rest and regenerate…

Reduce toxins, eliminate easier and more completely, handle stress more effectively and bring more peace… Due to all of what we go through on a regular basis, stress, trauma and drams, these seasonal resets are the oasis in the proverbial desert of life that allow us to take the time to consciously and mindfully take back control of our minds, bodies, souls and spirits.
RAWk Now

RAWkin’ Transformation

RAWkin’ Transformation is our program that combines all elements of learning to make a change to a more plant-based lifestyle…

Lovingly called from flesh to fresh, this program is directed at weaning you off animal products that are negatively impacting your health and well-being and bringing in more healthy and whole foods to realign you to a fresher lifestyle. Meals made from whole, fresh and unadulterated foods are exactly what the body has ordered to bring back optimal health and life.
RAWk Now

Radiant Lotus Women’s Qigong

Qigong is designed to help people from all walks of life to heal, nourish and bring balance back to their lives. Radiant Lotus Women’s Qigong is a beautiful modality created by Daisy Lee, a master of Qigong, who received these teachings from masters who passed it down to her from many ages in the traditional way.

This qigong is specifically designed for women to help bring back the sacred feminine, while overcoming personal and societal challenges to rise, blossom and reintegrate grace and peace.

Certified Level 1 RLWQ Instructor

By request only.
RAWk Now

GO ROGUE with Yüj युज्

Rogue, the one who follows their own rules outside the norms of the group, acting independently. They blaze their own trail with a thirst for adventure. An alluring mix of dare, humor and flair. They are the renegade, the irresistible force of nature, the free-spirited one with the twinkle in their eye, marching to their own beat. They rely on skill, stealth and the innerstanding of their own weaknesses to raise the bar and find the soulution to whatever challenge may stand in their way. In ancient times, the art of yüj was a singular practice catered to each individual based on their on specific characteristics. Now is the time to return to the ancient ways and rebuild ourselves in the ways of the sacred…

A rogue member of a group does not behave in the same way as its other members and is considered dangerous or likely to cause problems or be dangerous, A rebellious, loner who follows their own rules, someone who acts independently
Also connected to the Sanskrit yūgën – which is an awareness of the universe that moves one towards emotional responses to the deep and mysterious… it is profound grace and subtlety, a concept of daily life that is integral, that which is beyond what can be said; how to describe the feeling of the sun sinking behind a flower clad hill
how to describe the feeling of wandering through a deep forest without thought of return; how to describe the feeling standing on the shore watching a boat disappear into the horizon, how to describe the feeling of observing the shadows of bamboo on bamboo…?
Go Rogue with Yüj युज् is a traditional-styled one-on-one program of movement and breath tailored to one’s individual body and spirit. It combines various techniques and methodologies including pranayama, asana and ayurvedic considerations.

RAWk Now

Other offerings, by request only

Da Sto’

This program, which can be done in person or with a video call teaches how to shop for the best outcome when utilizing a plant-based lifestyle.

RAWkin’ Nutrition Room (Kitchen) Makeover

A RAWkin’ nutrition room makeover allows us to go through your room and pantry to remove those things that are not as healthy and remove them and replace them with better options.

RAWkin’ In Training

Do you have a young being who would like to eat more plant-based? Well, we have you covered. With trainings to empower them on the best choices for a healthy life.

RAWkin’ Conception

Ever wondered if you can be in conception and still be healthy for bringing to the planet a healthy being? Absolutely!!! Plant-based foods can absolutely nourish you and your growing seed.

Other offerings, by request only More

Eat to Live

Learn how to eat more live foods with instruction on the basics, food combination and more…

An introductory class into the benefits of incorporating more living foods into the lifestyle.

Proposed scheduled activities:
Introduction, salads/soups, side dishes, main dishes, desserts and more…
RAWk Now


Nature’s Cookbook©

Nature’s Cookbook is a mostly raw/live preparation book to get you started on your journey to eating a plant-based lifestyle. Filled with tips, insights and helpful practices this is the one to get you started on your healthful new life.
Price: $19.99

Into the 21st Century©

Around 2000 is a spoken word is an eclectic adventure into thoughts and musings as we entered into the 21st century.
Price: $19.99

ACL Recovery©

A journey through an all-natural healing of an ACL from tear to successful regeneration
Price: $19.99

All Me, the album©

The words, music and inspiration of a young artist beginning to fly…
Price: $15.33

Wanna RAWk more? click here for upcoming classes on that RAWkin’ Life